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![]() In in the process of editing crap. The Cbox!
March 6, 2008
March 18, 2008 March 19, 2008 March 22, 2008 March 25, 2008 March 26, 2008 March 29, 2008 March 31, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 11, 2008 May 15, 2008 June 7, 2008 June 8, 2008 October 27, 2008 October 29, 2008 October 30, 2008 November 7, 2008 November 9, 2008 November 11, 2008 November 15, 2008 November 19, 2008 November 20, 2008 November 22, 2008 November 23, 2008 November 29, 2008 December 1, 2008 December 3, 2008 December 8, 2008 December 11, 2008 December 18, 2008 December 23, 2008 December 29, 2008 January 8, 2009 January 17, 2009 January 27, 2009 February 18, 2009 February 28, 2009 March 9, 2009 March 14, 2009 March 20, 2009 March 24, 2009 April 22, 2009 August 5, 2009 August 19, 2009 August 31, 2009 September 16, 2009
19 March 2008
I've noticed that we were fond of naming cliques. People - at least the ones I know - name there groups after the weirdest things for the weirdest people. No insult intended. E.G. Krismuch Box Gang, Katipuns, Confuxon, Lahx, Backdoor Troop, Starp, Strapless, McPrince, Kiddos, 3Stooges, Hulog, Smaxx, Carpackss Association, Limited, Homonado, Outwalk, Bivoh, Bruhildas, Ponkanitas, Spoildeys, Laughtrip, Bandatuts, Tatlong Itlog, HIV [WTF??] and so much more. Anyway, I'm here to talk about the "groups" I belong to. EBS For the non - Filipinos, if there any, which I doubt there are, ebs is short for ebak in Filipino which means poo. So anyway EBS stood for: Espe, Bet, Berna and Sam. Refer to earlier posts. ![]() ![]() T.Y.V/N.Y.V. We're DELUSIONAL! IN THE SENSE THAT TYV = This Year's Varsity NTV = Next Year's Varsity So you see, DELUSIONAL. There's still a division between the two, though. TYV = Alexa, Arianne, Monique, Me (not in the picture) NYV = Kriecia, Kaisel, Halecx, BetMac, Micah, Regie, Dolor, Janinna MY POINT IS: WHY ARE ALL THE CLIQUES/GROUPS I BELONG TO HAVE ONLY THREE LETTERS????????
Totally bored, yo.
IN BOREDOM, I shall tell you about the people I've had significant experiences with. Indulge yourself. OUTSIDE TWO FOUR: 6th GRADE: ALEX and KAT (yes, that KAT - the one YOU are thinking about.) - How should I say this? Alex and Kat were one of my best friends in 6th grade. We always spent time together, eating, talking, gossiping, and all that jazz. And I think I actually took our time together for granted. I thought that we were really going to be, like, friends in high school and all. I guess fate did its job. I used to think we were separated from each other with Alex moving to a different school and Kat having other friends. Now I see that it was our own actions which resulted in our 'separation'. Today, we don't even greet each other when we see each other or when we're on-line. We live different lives. I used to feel bad that we've grown apart and that they've seemed to leave me or whatever. Now, it's totally cool. EBS (it's a Filipino thing!): ESPE, BET and BERNA (and occasionally ALY) - I was with them in the first half of my freshman year. We were classmates in the 6th grade and spent most of our time together. We were really close until about December. I changed during the Christmas break. January came and I left them. And, um, I became friends with other people. I never really apologized to them. I am sorry, you know. History took place. There you go. AKI: KD - I wasn't sure that I wanted to be really close to KD when I was a freshman (JANUARY, freshman year.) I never had a clue as to who she was other than being the girl who played Hestia. It took time and we grew close. She still doesn't know about my family though. We MUST talk about that. KOKO - I am officially describing her as the one who is self - esteemless. Talented and witty (and incredibly sarcastic,) Koko is a great writer. She's deep. And um, she doesn't know it. I think - though I hate to say this - she's borderline self - esteemless to emo. Anyway, other than being a great writer, she's also a great friend who incidentally inspired me to do this by means of writing. VICKY - Sometimes, people think that we're, like, the same. OMG, right? [I say this through experience.] I've known this girl since the 1st grade (I think). We were "leaders" then [and now.] I didn't have a hard time getting to know her since we had a lot in common. hmm. What more? She's witty and smart and religious and though we might be the same and different at the same time, I'm proud to be her friend. JANNA - I knew her from the 4th grade. She was one of my best friends then. We were tight. (hardi-har-har) Anyway, I really value her. Hmm. And um, I think I valued her more because even though we only knew each other then, it was like we were never apart. NOT AKI: SUGAR - I laugh every time I remember what happened. Stuff too personal. Sarah T and Doms could relate. PEOPLE FROM THE STC BBALL TEAM - I actually can't believe I'm writing about this right now. I learned a lot of things not related to basketball in my time of "training". I experienced being the one not talked to. And when I knew how that felt, I changed. I learned the error of my ways. I'm still crap at basketball by the way, but now, I ain't too discriminating.
![]() My mom hid the chips for our trip tomorrow to Tagaytay. She thinks I would go off and eat it and hide it for myself. Do I look that hungry? God. ![]() Labels: fat, Tagaytay Adventures |