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March 6, 2008
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08 December 2008
Shuffle Game 1
anyway, I was searching and i found these from a blog. How am I feeling today? Screamer - Good Charlotte (It's about communication etc.) Will I get far in life? Ascension Nature Boy - Toullouse (or David Bowie) (Huh?) How do my friends see me? Monster Books and Boggarts! - John Williams (HArry Potter and The Prizoner of Azkaban) Where will I get Married? ChapStick, Chapped Lips and Things Like Chemistry - Relient K What is my best friend's theme song? Lovesong - Good Charlotte (or the Cure) (AWWWWWWWWWW!!!) What is the story of my life? Broken Hearts Parade - Good Charlotte (HAHAHAHA! - Tragic.) What was high school like? Sunday Morning - Maroon 5 How am I going to get ahead in life? A Beautiful Life (La Bella Vita) - Lindsay Lohan (Aww.) What is the best thing about me? Confessions of A Broken Heart - LiLo (Huh?) How is today going to be? Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day (Yehehes.) What is in store for this weekend? 7 Things - Miley Cyrus (Whaaaat?) What song describes my parents? Committed - Vanessa Hudgens (Ano raw?) My grandparents? Keep Your Hands Off My Girl - Good Charlotte (HAHAHAAHA) How is my life going? Love For A Child - Jason Mraz (Ay..) What song will play at my funeral? Pirelli's Miracle Elixir - Tobey, Sweeney, Mrs. Lovett (WHOT?) How does the world see me? Forward to Time Past - John Williams (Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban) Will I have a happy life? Professor Umbridge - Nicolas Hooper What do my friends really think of me? Bleed It Out - Linkin' Park (hahaa.) Do people secretly lust after me? Death of Sirius - Nicolas Hooper How can I make myself happy? Hall of Prophecy - Nicolas Hooper (this games is weird) What should I do with my life? Another Story - Nicolas Hooper (haha. Listen to this.) Will I ever have children? Loved Ones and Leaving - Nicolas Hooper (Is my iTunes really on shuffle?) What is some good advice for me? Green Fair/The Hills are Alive/Children of the Revolution - Christian, The Green Fairy, and Company (wahahaa) What is my signature dancing song? It Wasn't Enough - Good Charlotte (haaay.) What do I think my current theme song is? I'm Ready - Jack's Mannequin (woot.) What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Lullaby Jack's Mannequin What type of men/women do you like? Made For Each Other - Jack'sMannequin Labels: shuffle games |